
What I've been doing,
and what I do...

You may notice a certain them e running through here. I've been fascinated by computers ever since my elementary school took a field trip to a computer lab, where they had a real computer - in this case, embodied by a keyboard/printer device which asked me a question right there on the paper:

"What is your name?"
"Hello, Glenn, what is 5 + 5"
"That is correct, Glenn!"
And so I was hooked.

Naturally, the interactivity with and via computers has skyrocketed since t hen. In college, I've discovered online communities (LambdaMOO and others) which expanded my horizons about the possibilties of computers - interacting with other people all across the globe, instantly. There are people I've k nown online for almost seven years - many of which I haven't ever met in person, yet know them well.

I was the senior editor for the ill-fated Convergence. If everything had worked out, this would have been on e of the very first magazines on the web.

I've built (but am no longer webmaster of) the following websites:

  • US Olympic Committee
  • IHS Engineering
  • The Health Explorer
  • The Family Doctor
  • Dr. Ruth Online
  • MovieMatch

I also maintain AEnigma Design - my freelance outfit.

Lexiphilia - I love words.

My photography

Home : Personal : Work/Play : Ace : The Glow : Reference : E-mail

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